The Francine R. Loeb Leadership Institute

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Thank you for your interest in joining the Francine R. Loeb Leadership Institute (LLI), running from July 2025 to May 2026. We appreciate your commitment to leadership development and community impact and look forward to learning more about your background and experience.

Since Federation's founding, our vision has been expanding and deepening Jewish life by building and strengthening relationships. We are delighted that you want to be a part of this unique learning journey.

Learn more about LLI here.

The deadline to submit applications is Friday, February 28, 2025 at 3 PM.

Questions? Contact Rabbi Samuel Klein at

In order to proceed to the rest of the application, you must affirm that you meet these following eligibility requirements:

4. The board residency component of LLI seeks to match organizations and candidates based on their interests and needs. Please rate your interest in serving as a board member for the following organizations, using a scale where 1 = not interested, 2 = somewhat interested, 3 = interested, and 4 = very interested.

5. Help us understand your motivations for participating in LLI. Please rank the program components based on your priorities with 1 being most important and 8 being least important to you.

Error: You may only select each rank (1 through 8) once.

6. Please confirm, to the best of your knowledge, you are able to attend the following sessions:
Yes No

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